What Am I Missing?

Read the Sunday New York Times. Yesterday’s edition included a very expensive, very glossy THE NEW YORK TIMES STYLE MAGAZINE: WOMEN’S FASHION SPRING 2005.

Am I screwed up or not? (Only women need respond.) Starting with the absurd cover, there was not a Woman in the Whole Bloody Mag I—or my lovely spouse—could possibly identify with. Am I an idiot? Or are the people who produce this … WRETCHED SHIT … idiots? These “fashion” mags are about some species of human who no one I know could possibly identify with. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? (SOMEONE, PLS EXPLAIN.) (“Normal” women are, after all, the … BIGGEST MARKET IN THE WORLD. So why the obsession with Size 2s?) (EXPLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!)

Tom Peters posted this on February 21, 2005, in Trend$.
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