Thanks, Teri! (I Guess.)

I was in residence on the Na Pali coast of Kaua’i for New Year’s. My neighbor is Teri Tico—celebrated social activist (Save Our Seas, etc.), renowned trial lawyer, champion wind surfer. She sidled up to me at a cocktail party and said, “So, Tom, what are you going to do to change the world this year?”

How in the hell does one respond to that?!

I have no immediate (hence glib) answer, but it did lead to my 2-part NYResolution2005:

TomResolution2005 (full year): Every project, small or large, this year will have to answer the question, “Does this change the world?” HP ran a banner ad, “HAVE YOU CHANGED CIVILIZATION TODAY?” I’ll make that the first & last question I ask myself each day!

TomResolution2005 (within the next 10 minutes): I will be “hall monitor” for my attitude concerning each & every human contact I have this year, starting … IMMEDIATELY. Do I exude Passion & Optimism & Connection of the sort that invariably engages others? (Hint: This applies as much to the 30-second exchange I have with a checkout clerk at Shaw’s grocery in Manchester VT as it does in a speech to very senior execs in Zurich on January 11.)

Oh yeah, thanks Teri!