100 Ways to Succeed #38:

Re-visit/Re-imagine Your VA Proposition.
Due date: 15 January.

Hyundai. Home Depot. BRANDsense (BRANDsense: Build Powerful Brands through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Sound, by renowned futurist Martin Lindstrom). And another wonderful little manuscript-book I received, BEYOND CODE, by Rajesh Setty. Mr Setty, founder of the IT services firm CIGNEX Technologies (and a published novelist at age 13), makes an impassioned plea for each & every IT professional to pursue dramatic difference in his or her approach to projects and career. Hence my “demand”: Before you tear off (electronically erase, no doubt) 2005 calendar page January 15 … mercilessly (alone or with one or two close pals and/or, say, a Client) examine-challenge-evaluate your Value-added Proposition. Is it … Compelling? Does it represent … Dramatic Difference? And remember: “If you can’t state your position in eight words or less, you don’t have a position”—Seth Godin. (Time Inc. CEO Ann Moore is even tougher: “I make all the launch teams tell me what the [new] magazine’s about in five [!!] words or less. You cannot run alongside millions of consumers and explain what you mean. It forces some discipline on you.”)

A paragraph.
8 words.
5 words.
By 15JAN.
Dramatic Difference.


Tom Peters posted this on January 7, 2005, in Success Tips.