“We” Apologize!

Another apology. (It must be the day for it.) I met … me. Not pretty.

My voice … PENETRATES. (Hey, it pays the bills.) However, on a flight yesterday, I sat behind me. That is, a Fellow Penetrator sat in front of me. How annoying! He wasn’t shouting, not at all. He just had a … Penetrating Voice. (Shades of you-know-who.) I know when I’ve gotten home after giving 2 or 3 speeches, Susan will frequently say to me, “You’re home. It’s just me. There aren’t a thousand of me.”

“We” are sorry! I can’t speak for Penetrator II, but I’ll try a little harder to keep my voice to myself in public spaces!

Tom Peters posted this on November 12, 2004, in General.