That Damned AV Guy!

Giving a seminar.
Everything went wrong!
Small sins.
Big sins!

And I was in a deservedly foul, foul mood about it all. (No way to go into a speech.)
And then I did by last stop before ShowTime … my AV check.

That damned AV guy!

I was in a foul mood.
Conference organizer a weenie.
I savored … self-righteously … my Foul Mood.

That damned AV guy!
He was in a Great Mood!
Happy with the World!
Can you believe it … HUMMING!

And, in spite of my full-load of determination, my damned mood started to improve. We started joking about this or that, talkin’ shop, and in short order I was bordering on … CHEERFUL.

You get the point, I’m sure. Despite one’s Very Best Efforts to Harbor a Grudge for Various Injustices … Another’s Cheerfulness acts as a Contagion!

That damned AV guy.
He saved my Speech.
He saved my neck.
Cheerful people will do that.

(Message II: Avoid-Dismiss FMCs … Foul Mood Carriers. THEY SCREW YOU UP!)
(Message III: All Hail “that damned AV guy”!)
(Message IV: One “damned AV guy” can change the mood of a Battalion!)

Tom Peters posted this on November 12, 2004, in Talent.