Speaking of London Drugs (we were, right?), let me tell you about me & London Drugs & Jim Collins & Good to Great & Walgreens. Okay?
Prepping for London Drugs speech. In SF. Needed some miscellaneous stuff. Go into a Walgreens on Market Street, across from Four Seasons Hotel.
Walgreens … one of Jim Collins’ small # of good-to-great exemplars. The place is a mess. Dirty. Msde just lying about. Undistinguished on every dimension you can name.
Some experience!
No doubt WGs passed Jim C’s rigorous financial hurdles. And that is … Cool. But I, for one, reserve words like Great for things that are … GREAT.
Put simply, London Drugs is … GREAT. (And so are its #s!)
Walgreens is not … great. (Regardless of its #s.)
TP message: Reserve “great” for … GREAT.
(Maybe I’ll write a book about Walgreens titled Good to … Whatever.)