Faith Recommends Tom

Faith Popcorn, guru of trends (and one of our Cool Friends), was featured in the Wall Street Journal, November 22nd, with her list of must-reads for a “grasp of business trends.” And, yes, Tom made the list. Along with Robert Reich’s The Future of Success, Michael Silverstein and Neil Fiske’s Trading Up, William Gibson’s Pattern Recognition, among others, Tom’s Pursuit of Wow! is one of the books that Faith suggests will help you learn more about “the trends shaping and being shaped by business.”

An unusual entry on the list, new to me, is The Future of the Past, by Alexander Stille. Faith’s description says, “What do the dying traditions of canoe-making and oral poetry on an island off the coast of Papua New Guinea have to do with anticipating the future trajectory of our culture?” That intrigues me, how about you?

Go to for the full text. Subscription may be required.

Erik Hansen posted this on November 29, 2004, in General.