Easier Said Than Done!

During a recent 2-week+ trip, I revealed the intimacies of my “pack heavy” strategy … and was the subject of many a snide remark from you, my “friends.” Well, I’m off later today for 3 weeks. I will address but one “packing issue.” And ask your advice … which I plan to pay no attention to. I have 7 baseball caps in my “prelim pile,” waiting to be thinned. And I frankly don’t see how I can do without any of them. The set:

Boston Red Sox (“Official” World Series Champs hat). Boston Red Sox (my all-black version—including the “B” in inky black—which I started wearing after the 19-8, 3rd game loss to the Yanks; hence it’s my success talisman). My Stanford and SF Giants hats (my California talismans—a Big Deal). My favorite Canyon Ranch hat, another talisman. A Four Seasons Beverly Hills cap—because it’s the perfect fit & feel. My new & cool black & white “Governator” cap, featuring Arnold in shades. And a VT hat in bold Green.

I cannot imagine dumping any of these … True Pals. What to do?!

Tom Peters posted this on November 8, 2004, in General.