
My Mom’s birthday was terrific! Thanks to those site visitors who took the time to say Happy Birthday! (I passed it along—though my efforts to explain Blogging left something to be desired.) (P.S. Don’t you get tired of the hated-red-line that shows up under “blog” and “blogging” in MSWord?)

Query: Ever seen 95 candles, plus one to grow on, on a moderate-sized cake? (We nearly needed a burn permit, as we call it in Vermont.)

Energy/Enthusiasm/Sparkle is all! There are indeed aches and pains at 95. (Understatement.) Yet my Mom looked 35, not 95, on the All-important Vitality Index. (Even considering my bias.) The sparkle in her eyes lit the room! (And her passion for the Orioles is unabated, too—she insisted on updates from the TV room regularly.) And I know you were dying to know: A lifelong, active Democrat, she likes neither Kerry nor Bush, but is an admirer of Laura B.

The Perfect Gift: My personal and professional pal, Harry Rhoads, founder of the Washington Speakers Bureau (which represents me) (“exclusively,” as he’s fond of adding), came bearing Gift. THE GIFT! Harry/WSB represents Willard Scott, and HR brought an autographed WS picture inscribed, “Evelyn, five years to go!” Susan (my wife) had just given my Mom a picture of me, which was prominently displayed. Upon arrival of Willard S’s pic, I vanished in a flash! (Rhoads to Peters: “Humility is a cardinal virtue.”)

Notes on Miscellaneous Excellence: The Ford Focus I rented at BWI had a comfortable back seat—and an ENORMOUS trunk for a small car. Nice design job! I’d almost move to Bethesda MD (my brother-in-law Alec and sister-in-law Lee Sargent live there) just for Balducci’s/Sutton Place, the premier food emporium. Food: Amazing! Service: Amazing! Employee ATTITUDE: Off the charts! On the way home to Albany/VT, a youngster had a seizure on my SWA flight—hats off to the crew’s quick, but not panicked response, and the way they handled the rest of us.

Can’t wait for 100! Go, Mom!

Tom Peters posted this on September 28, 2004, in Excellence.