Backing Up the Brand

Apple CareAccording to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), Apple customers are more satisfied than users of any other personal computer brand. Apple’s score of 81 (out of 100) put them in the lead, with Dell taking a close 2nd after being at the top of the list for the past five years. In an article at InfoWorld, ACSI director Claes Fornell cites one explanation: “Just about every other PC vendor received technical support scores that were less than the scores they received for the quality of their products, but Apple was the only company that received high marks for both quality and support.”

Recalling recent complaints about Dell support, I particularly enjoyed this validation of my 18 years of unwavering Mac devotion. Although I admit to drooling over the new iMac G5, we really don’t buy our Macs entirely because we like their looks.

Linda Fatherree posted this on September 10, 2004, in Service.