You Must Keep Reading …

Ever read the magazine-journal Foreign Affairs? As pragmatic businessperson, not statecraft aficionado, I suggest you do. Consider the July-August issue. It starts with editor James Hoge’s “A Global Power Shift in the Making: Is the United States Ready?” Which in turn ominously begins: “The transfer of power from West to East is gathering pace and soon will dramatically change the context for dealing with international challenges—as well as the challenges themselves.” Other good stuff includes a remarkable piece by BP* CEO (and pro environmentalist!) John Browne: “Beyond Kyoto.” Starting point: “Global warming is real and needs to be addressed now.” (*In their new logo, BP now stands for “Beyond Petroleum.” P.S.: Skepticism merited? Of course. But I 90% buy their act.)

Tom Peters posted this on July 30, 2004, in News.
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