The Vision Thing

How do you inspire a shared vision? Well, easier said than done, but check out how Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino learned the “art of mobilizing others to struggle for shared aspirations.”

I gave Terry Gilliam a special thank you in this movie. I met him at the Sundance workshop. I asked him a question and he said something which should be obvious but him saying it made it achievable. I said, “Mr. Gilliam, you have a vision that carries over in every single movie that you do. How do you achieve that special vision in each one of your different movies?” And he said, “I have the vision in my head and all I have to do is hire a good cinematographer, good production designer, good costume designers and my job is to articulate that vision to them. After I’ve articulated it, they take it and go to the moon with it.”

Think of your particular business and answer these questions: Who is your good cinematographer? Good production designer? Good costume designer? Once you know, go and articulate, articulate, articulate!

Geoff Thatcher posted this on June 16, 2004, in Talent.