Hitting the Nick

squash racketAfter spending a week with Bryn Meredith and his team in Canada, Mike Neiss said he was blown away by their passion. For Bryn, it’s a passion that was developed while playing professional squash in the United Kingdom. Bryn was a three-time provincial (or state) champion and, as an entrepreneur, helped organize tournaments and market the launch of the twin view four-sided glass squash court (yeah, it’s cool). Three knee operations later, Bryn is now in leadership development with us, and he compares the work to “Hitting the Nick.” In squash, the “nick” is where the floor joins the wall. As Bryn says, “If you hit the squash ball perfectly into the nick, the ball rolls back on the court and you win the point.” The only way to get good at “Hitting the Nick” is with passion, practice, and experience. “No one is perfect,” Bryn says. “But if you can hit the nick just one extra time in a game, the match can be yours!”

For anyone looking to be a better leader, does that sound familiar?

Geoff Thatcher posted this on June 24, 2004, in General.